Thursday, November 26, 2009

Aylesbury - Chasing the Griswolds through Buckinghamshire

Spent a lovely day trying to locate the Griswold family and came up quite successful.  After pouring over microfilm from the early 19th century - where vicars carefully recorded the births, marriages and deaths, we were able to piece together things to about 1793 which was pretty incredible.  The 1851 and 1841 census was quite helpful. Tomorrow we'll head to Little Horwood to see the church where they baptized the kids, several who will eventually end up in Ogle County Illinois.  We ended the day in Oxford and had dinner at The Bear pub near the university.  Some pints of Fullers and fish & chips for our Thanksgiving Day dinner.  I will post pictures along with yesterday's trip to the Tower of London and St Paul's as soon as I can.  Sorry for the delay on that.

As ever,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

London Day 1

The overnight flight to London was quite unremarkable. I slept for a large part of the flight and woke for breakfast.  After clearing customs, we waited for my parents to arrive on the AA flight.  We had arranged several fall-back plans in the case we could not find one another, but soon they emerged from customs and we took a cab to Cartref House.  Jack the dog greeted us warmly and we settled in.  Our only plan of the day was heading to Westminster Abbey for Evensong.  This is one of my favorite things to do.  Hearing the choir sing the service just steps from where nearly every monarch in English history has been crowned is just amazing.  After service, we headed to the Jugged Hare for dinner - appropriately, Hare Pie, chunks of juicy rabbit in puff pastry.  Finally, quite tired, we dropped Mom & Dad at the B&B then headed to the St. George for a final pint before bed.  Today will bring the Tower of London, St. Paul's, and at least a pub walk along the Thames.

Pictures are here
As ever,